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Year 3 Has Been Born!

It's hard to believe I'm heading into my 3rd year in the cut flower world! Here are my 3 beginnings...

Year 1 - "Can I grow flowers?"

Year 2 - "Can I grow flowers that people want?"

Year 3 - "Can I grow flowers that people want and work full


Well, so far the answers are yes, yes, and I think so!

Year 1 After being gifted a beautiful, locally grown bouquet from a friend, I knew I wanted to grow this in my yard. I took a deep dive into the flower world devouring its awe and wonder. I bought my first order of flower seeds and by golly, they grew!

Year 2 I had the time to really focus on setting up systems. I set up my growing station with all the trays, heat mats and grow lights. The greenhouse was constructed, the irrigation installed, and the cooler and Potting Shed were built. Many hours of research and construction were designed and executed with the help of my wonderfully supportive husband who has made my outlandish dreams come true.

Year 3 I did go back to teaching, but this time I'm teaching content that aligns with my passions: Be curious, don't be afraid to make mistakes, necessity breeds innovation...I AM a S.T.E.A.M teacher! (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)

With the systems in place, I've been able to sow hundreds of seeds each week and stay close to the schedule of planting out my babies in the next few weeks. My dahlias are waking up and and the perennial flowers are pushing up new growth.

SHHHH...If you've read to this point, I feel I must let you in on a secret!

I'm combining my love for flowers with my passion for Pizza!

I've decided to open the field only twice this summer for two U-Pick evening events. Wander the gardens and pick your favorite flowers and enjoy a made-to-order, wood fired pizza baked in our traditional Pompeii pizza oven. If you message me, I'll reserve a spot for you!

(July 15th and August 5th - $40)

Stay curious, seek joy, and you will find beauty!

Laura Sebastiani

93 views4 comments


Thomas VanderYacht
Thomas VanderYacht
Apr 06, 2023

Woo Hoo!!! Best time of the year. -TJ


Mariah Sebastiani
Mariah Sebastiani
Apr 03, 2023

Year 3 Lets goooooooo!


Lynn Ruese
Lynn Ruese
Apr 03, 2023

So happy to hear about the coming season. I am excited to come for pizza too!!

Apr 03, 2023
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Me too! I can't wait to see you this summer.

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