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A New Season Wrapped in Grief and Triumph

I thought I'd be entering this next flower season double shifting between my days teaching at school and coming home to grow a garden. This is not the case and here's my story.

I love teaching, and balancing my job with growing flowers these last few years has been my saving grace. I found comfort knowing I was more than teacher and God has gifted us this beautiful and amazing earth to explore, enjoy and to rejuvenate our soul.

But teaching through this pandemic has been more than I can bear. I was paralyzed with inadequacy and struck with the reality that I couldn't meet my students' needs. Logic knows it's an impossible task and can accept it. But my heart could not. The tank was empty. The stress and expectations broke me and it was clear I needed to take a break.

Yes, there is more to the story. Like all of you, I'm still grieving giant losses in my family over this last year. But what I want you to hear is this...

Teachers deeply love every one of YOUR kids. Believe it! Teachers are doing their very best to teach YOUR kids to their fullest potential. Appreciate them! Teachers are going above and beyond, giving 110% of themselves to YOUR children. Fill their buckets!

So I go into this next season whole heartedly with a spirit of restoration, conquering grief, healing wounds and growing hope. I will not take for granted this gift of time I have to be fully present and in full awareness of the many blessings and miracles that will happen here in the garden.

"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." Genesis 1:31

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16 févr. 2022

“Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me! Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭25:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

May you find refuge, shelter, comfort and peace as you walk with Him, talk with Him and are continually renewed and filled by Him. You are loved, you are treasured and you are seen as the amazing woman, friend, mother, daughter, teacher, gardener and Child of God that you are.

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Thank you for your kind words. May all who read this find encouragement and strength as I have.


Mariah Sebastiani
Mariah Sebastiani
16 févr. 2022


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