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A First Year Summary, A Time to Reflect

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Years ago, during our first few years of marriage, I always told Mike not to buy me flowers. Instead, I could use new socks or cutting boards for the kitchen. Money was tight and I knew flowers wouldn't last but a good knife would last for years.

It's completely my fault, but I think I can count the number of times I've been given flowers by my loving husband on one hand.

Now, 25 years later, that lofty bouquet of luxury has turned into thousands of uniquely colored blessings that miraculously spring up from the ground with a little tender loving care.

Don't get me wrong. That "tender loving care" includes countless hours of research, planning, counting and ordering...then there's the actual physical labor of tilling, planting, irrigation, weeding...and the list goes on and on. But I'm not complaining.

Teaching public school these past few years has been hard to say the least. Defeat has brought me to my knees and the small successes keep me going back, But, I can't forget that I am more than just a teacher. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter and a friend. Growing flowers has brought balance to my day and centers my soul. I find great rest and hope watching life grow out of God's amazing earth!

So, I'm ready to do it again. I love the growing process and caring for each flower's needs. I find that's the easy part. It's getting the flowers to people that challenges me. What motivated me last season was I wanted each bloom to be cherished by someone. I said countless time, "The blooms are driving me!" They gave me courage to host another event even when I didn't now if anyone would come.

I'm still learning all the time, finding the courage to reach out to people and honestly clueless to where this is all going. Thanks for joining me on my journey and I really do want to share my "uniquely colored blessings that miraculously spring up from the ground" with you!

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Mariah Sebastiani
Mariah Sebastiani
Jan 27, 2022

You go girl!

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